Termékek oatli hafermilch (57)

Kecsketej, Zab és Levendula Szappan 140g - Szappanok

Kecsketej, Zab és Levendula Szappan 140g - Szappanok

Jabón de leche de cabra, avena y lavanda 140 gr limpia y purifica suavemente la piel con sus extractos naturales, dejando un agradable aroma y refrescando tu piel. La leche de cabra y la avena hidratan y nutren la piel, mientras que los extractos de lavanda la calman y suavizan. Este jabón es ideal para pieles especialmente sensibles. SKU:31853
Bio Fehérjés Müzli Kesudióval és Mandulával - Fehérje Sorozat

Bio Fehérjés Müzli Kesudióval és Mandulával - Fehérje Sorozat

Muesli riche en protéines (23% de protéines) et gourmand avec ses éclats de noix de cajou et d'amandes. Faible en sucres : 2 g de sucres pour 100 g Avoine et soja origine France Céréales complètes 100% végétal Liste d’ingrédients courte Mode d’emploi : À verser dans un bol avec du lait ou une boisson végétale, pour le petit-déjeuner ou le goûter. Ingrédients : Flocons de soja*35 %, flocons d’avoine*, flocons de seigle*, noix de cajou en éclats* 6%, amandes en éclats* 4%, graines de tournesol*, billettes de riz*. *Ingrédients issus de l’agriculture bio. Peut contenir des traces d’autres fruits à coque et de lait. Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100 g Energie : 1717 kJ / 411 kcal Matières grasses : 17 g (dont acides gras saturés : 2,5 g) Glucides : 35 g (dont sucres : 2 g) Fibres alimentaires : 13 g Protéines : 23 g Sel : 0,05 g BIO:Oui 100% Végétal:Oui Format:325g, 800g, 5kg


6 féle gyorsan főzhető gabonapehely keveréke - Pelyhek egy dobozban

6 féle gyorsan főzhető gabonapehely keveréke - Pelyhek egy dobozban

Such flakes have a high content of dietary fiber and macro-microelements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium, iron, silicon. And the most pleasant thing is that the mixture of flakes of 6 types of TM "TERRA" cereals is prepared quickly, freeing up a lot of time for pleasant leisure. It is enough to pour boiling water over them and leave for a while


Thaumatin, derived from the katemfe plant (Thaumatococcus daniellii), is a natural sweetener known for its intense sweetness, approximately 2000 to 3000 times sweeter than sugar. Widely used in foods and beverages, it's prized for its natural origin and potency. Its heat stability and low glycemic index make it a favorite for sugar-free, low-calorie, and diabetic-friendly products. Beyond sweetness, Thaumatin enhances flavors and acts as a natural preservative. While generally safe, adhering to recommended dosages is advised. Thaumatin's versatility and safety make it a popular choice for enhancing taste profiles and extending shelf life in various food and beverage applications. EC number:258-822-2 Molecular Formula:C19H29N3O3S CAS No:53850-34-3
Mandulapehely 250g

Mandulapehely 250g

Płatki migdałów, tak jak i same migdały, są bogate w składniki odżywcze. Zawierają witaminy, minerały, białko i błonnik tym samym maja działanie prozdrowotne.Mają dużą zawartość zdrowych tłuszczów nienasyconych. Tłuszcze nienasycone są niezbędnym składnikiem zdrowej diety. Uważa się, że ich regularne spożywanie może obniżyć ogólny poziom cholesterolu.Migdały są bogate w witaminę E, znany antyoksydant, substancję, która zatrzymuje procesy utleniania, tym samym udrażnia żyły i przeciwdziała chorobom serca oraz spowalnia starzenie się komórek. Uważa się, że migdały przyczyniają się do utrzymania zdrowych kości poprzez zawarte w swoim składzie: wapń, magnez, mangan, miedź, witaminę K, białko i cynk. Ponadto migdały zawierają: witaminy z grupy B, błonnik i fosfor.&nbsp;<strong>Skład:</strong> migdały&nbsp;<strong>Wartość odżywcza w 100g</strong>Wartość energetyczna 2489kJ/602kcal - 30% RWS*Tłuszcz 50,6g - 72%w tym kwasy tłuszczowe nasycone 3,9g - 20%Węglowodany 9,5 - 4%w tym cukry 5g - 6%Bi
zsírtalan mandulaliszt

zsírtalan mandulaliszt

La harina de almendra desgrasada es un producto versátil y nutritivo, obtenido como subproducto de la extracción en frío del aceite de almendra. Esta harina es conocida por su bajo contenido en grasa, lo que la convierte en una opción saludable para la repostería y la cocina en general. Su textura fina y su sabor característico la hacen ideal para la elaboración de productos dietéticos y saludables. Esta harina es una excelente alternativa para personas que buscan reducir su consumo de gluten o que tienen intolerancias alimentarias. Su uso en la cocina es muy variado, ya que puede utilizarse en la elaboración de panes, pasteles, galletas y otros productos horneados. Además, su alto contenido en proteínas y fibra la hace ideal para dietas equilibradas y saludables.
Avene Aqua-Fluid Ultra-Mat SPF30 50ml - QOGITA

Avene Aqua-Fluid Ultra-Mat SPF30 50ml - QOGITA

Avene aqua-fluid ultra-mat spf30 50ml - QOGITA Marka:çukurlar GTIN:3282770104608
Teljes UHT tej 3,5% zsírtartalommal csavaros kupakkal

Teljes UHT tej 3,5% zsírtartalommal csavaros kupakkal

Leche entera UHT DANA 3,5% de grasa de leche de vaca fresca y 12 meses de vida ú - La leche UHT en tetra pak es nuestro producto más vendido en muchos mercados locales en todo el mundo. Nuestros envases de 1 LITRO y 500ML de leche UHT están disponibles en variedades como la leche entera, leche semidescremada o leche descremada. A sus consumidores les van encantar nuestros envases en Tetra packs por su facilidad de uso, almacenamiento fácil y fácil transporte. La leche Dana UHT es una leche de larga vida que viene con 12 meses de vida útil. El envase en tetra pak se puede almacenar a temperatura ambiente mientras se queda cerrado desde su fabricación. Sólo después de la apertura, el envasado debe ser almacenado refrigerado y consumirse dentro de unos días. Producimos nuestra leche UHT a partir la leche de vaca fresca. La leche es procesada y envasada según la norma europea. La leche UHT DANA ha tenido una gran receptividad de los consumidores en muchos países de África, los países de Oriente Medio y del Extremo Oriente.
Bio Zabpehely

Bio Zabpehely

"Oatmeal Organic Oatmeal comes from the oat plant (Avena sativa). The plant is about 1.2 meters high. Oats are native to Southeastern Europe and Southeast Asia and it is a cereal grown since 7000 BC. Oatmeal contains many carbohydrates and protein and is therefore a widely used product in the preparation of a breakfast. Production process of oats After harvesting, the oat grain first washed and stripped of the husk, these outer bracts of the grain are not edible. Then the grains are heated and cut into pieces. The cut pieces are then combined and form the oatmeal. Healthy characteristics of oatmeal Oatmeal contains a lot of fiber and have a beneficial effect on the intestines. In addition, oatmeal contains many slow carbohydrates, which ensure that the body longer experience energy and blood sugar remains stable. Finally, oatmeal also ensures that you are less likely to get hungry, because the body is satiated for longer."
Bio Hántolt Zab 5 Kg

Bio Hántolt Zab 5 Kg

L'avena decorticata biologica è un alimento non molto conosciuto e utilizzato in Italia mentre nei paesi anglosassoni è uno degli ingredienti principali della colazione. L'avena bio decorticata viene venduta in chicchi per preparare gustose ricette vegane o vegetariane. L'avena è spesso utilizzata cruda in fiocchi per rendere più gustose la colazione a base di latte o yogurt invece la varietà in chicchi è ottima per preparare zuppe o minestre. Questo cereale è anche un concentrato di sostanze nutritive utili per il benessere dell'organismo come fibre vitamine del gruppo B e diversi sali minerali (ferro calcio potassio fosforo magnesio rame). L'avena decorticata bio prima di essere cucinata deve essere sciacquata sotto l'acqua corrente per eliminare eventuali impurità e poi bisogna metterla a bagno almeno per 12 ore in seguito può essere bollita o utilizzata come ingrediente per insalate e contorni ma in particolare per preparare biscotti pane torte salate e dolci.
Zabtej - Zabtej Zab alapú ital

Zabtej - Zabtej Zab alapú ital

OAT based milk is s a vegan-friendly alternative to traditional diary milk. Weight:0.5 L/1L Shelf life :12 month Packaging:12 pcs/12 kg/box
Zabpehelyliszt 350g

Zabpehelyliszt 350g

Oat flour is a good choice for baking. The most popular dishes are oatmeal cookies and pancakes. Nutritionists believe that oats are healthier than other grains. When oat flour is added to bakery products, they become more fluffy and crumbly, so this flour can serve as a substitute for wheat flour. Milling with stones allows us to preserve the natural balanced composition of grains, which makes it possible to lower a glycemic index an important indicator for those who care about their health. Weight:350 g
VEGÁN PUHA SZAPPAN - Zabtejű Szappanok

VEGÁN PUHA SZAPPAN - Zabtejű Szappanok

Le savon vegan Douceur Nature est, à l’instar de tous nos savons, fabriqué à la main par saponification à froid. Il est riche en huile d’olive*, de noisette* et de sésame* et enrichi en pétales de calendula*. Le potentiel de douceur de ce savon a été renforcé par l’ajout de lait d’avoine* maison très concentré. Poids:100 Grammes
Teljes kiőrlésű zabpehely TM 'Dobrodiya' - Hagyományos zabpehely

Teljes kiőrlésű zabpehely TM 'Dobrodiya' - Hagyományos zabpehely

Wholegrain oat flakes (traditional require cooking). The technology of double steaming of grain allows to reduce heat treatment of raw materials, which provides flakes with the best organoleptic characteristics. You can add favorite fruits and berries, honey or chocolate everything depends on imagination. Cook for 57 minutes. Size:70*130*240 mm WEIGHT:500 g
Bio Kókusztej

Bio Kókusztej

Coconut milk is made by grating fresh coconut meat and then soaking it in hot water. This separates the milk from the oil, which floats to the top and is skimmed off. Coconut milk is extracted from the remaining liquid ORIGINS:Sri Lanka or Philippines BULK PACKAGING:6% fat
Azonnali zabkása tejszínnel 'Málnával'

Azonnali zabkása tejszínnel 'Málnával'

Instant oat flakes, instant vegetable cream, granulated sugar, sea salt, dried raspberries. Method of preparation: the contents of the Package pour 80-160 ml of boiling water. Mix thoroughly, cover. After 3-5 minutes, the porridge is ready for use. The product does not require cooking. Proteins (g / 100g):8,0 Fats (g / 100g):12,0 Carbohydrates (g / 100g):65,0 Energy value (kcal / 100g):400,0


Commodity: Oats Origin: Ukraine Crop: 2020 MOQ: 108 mt (4x40’) Quality: - Moisture 14% max, - Foreign matter 2 % max, - Grain admixture 7% max, - Test weight: 480 g/l min. Packing: 40 kgs pp bags. Price: CFR ASWP on request Please send your request with full details on email: 3891romio at gmail.com
Azonnali bio zabpehely

Azonnali bio zabpehely

Instant organic cut oatmeal flakes by Firma DІAMANT LTD, LLC manufactured according to TU U 15.6-13929625-001:2011. For the manufacture we use Certified organic oatmeal that has been double purified, which eliminates the presence of flower films in the finished product. The use of very gentle grinding and steaming modes helps to save the maximum amount of useful nutrients in the product. Preservatives and artificial nutritional supplements are not used in the production of the product. Flakes do not need cooking. Ingredients: organic cut oatmeal flakes. Type of packaging: polypropylene package, carton box Energy value (calorie) per 100 g of product: 1445 kJ (345 kcal ). Weight:500 gr Quantity of boxes in package:16
Fehérje Ropogósok

Fehérje Ropogósok

Proteincrispies mit verschiedenen Proteingehalten Hierbei ist der Proteingehalt sowie die Proteinquelle variabel. Gerne beraten wir Sie.


Für einen natürlichen Schimmer haben wir Perlmutt Madre Perla und Madrea Perla Sbianca (besonders weiß) im Angebot. Verfügbare Korngrößen Madre Perla Madre Perla Sbianca 0,3 – 0,8 mm 0,8 – 1,2 mm 1,2 – 1,8 mm 1,8 – 2,5 mm 1 – 3 mm


Lieferzeit: 3 - 5 Werktage Lieferkapazität: 6000Kg / monatlich Mindestbestellmenge: 1 x 25Kg Karton Anfrage per E-Mail senden Telefonnummer anzeigen 25Kg Karton
Teljes tej - édesített

Teljes tej - édesített

Mini tube de 60g de gourmandise. Existe aussi en boîte de 12 mini tubes. Et dedans il y a quoi ? Lait entier, sucre, arôme naturel de vanille. Allergènes à la loupe Lait. Bien le conserver c’est pas compliqué Le lait concentré sucré en tube se conserve 1 an avant ouverture et 3 semaines au réfrigérateur après ouverture. Tube et bouchon : à jeter avec les déchets ménagers.
Hajdina, búza, zab, köles - Gabonák és olajos magvak

Hajdina, búza, zab, köles - Gabonák és olajos magvak

We are one of the leading merchants of grains and oilseeds, we connects producers and users of grains and oilseeds around the globe. We operate on an integrated global basis to source, store, trade, process and distribute grains and oilseeds including wheat, corn, oilseeds, barley and sorghum, as well as vegetable oils and meals. We have a broad global presence in grain origination, shipping and processing, offering a range of farmer services and risk management solutions, and have significant expertise in handling identity preserved and differentiated products. For more information do get back to us .
gabona - reggeli gabona

gabona - reggeli gabona

musli si cereale pentru mic dejun


Blé Riz Seigle Orge Maïs Arachides etc …
Tönkölybúza - Gabonafélék

Tönkölybúza - Gabonafélék

It is a grain crop. Ripening, resistant to many fungal diseases, unpretentious. The ear is closed from dirt, does not lose the accumulated moisture, is protected from pests. It contains a lot of protein, few calories and most amino acids, which are irreplaceable. It contains other vitamins and various macro and micronutrients. Many different dishes can be cooked from it bread, porridge, soups, crackers, sauces and creams, side dishes for fish, meat, and desserts.
Vaníliás granola

Vaníliás granola

Wij coaten granen en zaden, zoals zonnebloempitten, pompoenpitten, gepofte granen/zaden (rijst, tarwe, spelt, quinoa, gierst, sorghum), kikkererwten, meergranen, enz. Al onze gecoate granen en zaden zijn perfect als een ingrediënt in vele applicaties, zoals ijs, ontbijtgranen, chocolade, energierepen, noga, bakkerij producten, yoghurt/salade/groenten toppings, enz. Naast vanille kunt u ook kiezen voor een van onze andere basissmaken (honing, karamel, ahorn, kaneel en peperkoek), evt. gecombineerd met kruiden e/o specerijen, zoals: Keltisch zeezout, chili (rode peper), rozemarijn, knoflook, kokos, venkel of uw eigen favoriete kruiden/specerijen.


Farine de riz Code produit:8313 Marque de produit :Vesce Poids net du produit:200g
Búzaliszt - Élelmiszerek

Búzaliszt - Élelmiszerek

Wheat flour is a food product made by grinding wheat grains. It has pleasant taste properties and high nutritional value. One of the most important characteristics of flour is gluten, the more of it in flour, the better its baking properties. The dough on such flour is more elastic, easier to knead and has porosity, which is so appreciated in the production of bread and bakery products. Impulse Commodity Trading cooperates with leading agricultural manufacturers and can offer its customers high-quality bakery wheat flour of various grades – highest, first, second and coarse whole-grain flour. Therefore, our company can satisfy all the needs of customers. To find out the details, contact us on the phone indicated on the website.